Qualicare first aid is setting the new standard for both affordability and quality! Their vast range of product can cater for any first aid need whether it's in the workplace, on the pitch, at home or in the car! All items have been carefully designed and manufactured to the highest standards in the industry, a must if you take first aid as seriously as the guys at Qualicare!
Qualicare eye bandages are one of the most simple yet effective medical dressings available. They can be quickly applied to become a safe and secure bandage, perfect for all types of eye injury.
- Colour - White
- Extra length bandage to ensure secure fit
- Premium medical grade dressing Suitable for any first aid kit
- Fully breathable to aid healing process
- Excellent absorbent properties for blood wounds
- Ideal for initial protection whilst en-route to hospital
- Disposable
- Firm and effective support once applied
- Guaranteed sterile
- Recommended by our fully qualified therapist and medics
- Minimum of three/four years shelf life
- CE Approved
Sure Eye Pad Dressing Flow Wrapped
SKU: QD6080
Excluding VAT